Os traigo unas conclusiones de este "problema". Unos bocetos rápido que hice en clase. Os animo a enviar los vuestros. Ya veis que los mios no son nada del otro mundo y que dibujando se aprende.
When a class is not as interesting as you wish, your mind started flying away of the class. You do not know where it will finish. This seems very philosophic, but I know that it happens to all of you. If it is not true, tell me please.
Today we bring you some conclusions of this "problem". Some quick sketches. I invite you to send yours to me. You can see that mines are not professional. Drawing you will improve them.
When a class is not as interesting as you wish, your mind started flying away of the class. You do not know where it will finish. This seems very philosophic, but I know that it happens to all of you. If it is not true, tell me please.
Today we bring you some conclusions of this "problem". Some quick sketches. I invite you to send yours to me. You can see that mines are not professional. Drawing you will improve them.
El primero es una fusion del Nissan Micra y el Opel Corsa / The first one is a fusion between a Nissan Micra and a Opel Corsa.
Este segundo ya no se ni lo que es... Verdaderamente no me quedé agusto con el / The second one i have not any word for it, I don´t know what ir...
Este último es un concept car de Audi / The last one is a Concept Car, an Audi:
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